5 Reasons Your Home Has Low Water Pressure

If the water pressure is always dipped in your house then this makes your showers less enjoyable. This is the indication of water pressure issues in the pipes. Here are some of the reasons why the water pressure might be low and what to do about it. • Build-up of debris can cause a decrease in your water flow pressure. Sometimes sediment collects in your pipe and constricts the flow of the water. This leads to lower pressure, or in some cases, complete clogs. You can call a professional plumber in Fredericksburg to clean it. • Sometimes there is a problem where the main water pipe enters the home. If the wheel is not twisted, it can limit the flow of the water. • A cracked or leaked pipe within your walls could also be the culprit behind a drop in water pressure. A professional plumber finds the leak and repairs it before it becomes a major issue. • Sediment build-up in your hot water heater and can also create a water pressure slowdown. This requires routine maintenance...